The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya announced sending a business delegation from Kenya to Iran Expo 2023 

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10:00 AM 293 views

Referring to the fifth exhibition of export capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Iran Expo 2023), which will be held from May 07 to10, Dr. Jafar Barmaki stated: "Before attending the Iran Expo, some Kenyan delegations have requested us to meet with Iranian companies in their areas of interest and check the possibility of business cooperation with them. We have even coordinated some companies that are not participating in the exhibition to meet each other on the sidelines of the exhibition." 

Surely, the companies that
offer their products in the exhibition provide the opportunity to be present in the market of the countries participating in the exhibition." He added.

🟠 *Many businessmen of other countries, including African countries, are not aware of the capabilities of our country*

In response to the question, regarding the importance of non-oil exports, Dr. Barmaki said:
 "Unfortunately, due to the one-sided propaganda that is raised against our country by the western media in the world, many businessmen of other countries, including African countries, are not aware of the capabilities of our country. When some Kenyan delegations visit Iran, they cannot believe that there is a big difference between the negative propaganda of the West and the realities in our country."

🟠 *Holding such exhibitions can have a great impact on showing the real face of our country*


He continued: "It is obvious that holding such exhibitions can have a great impact on showing the real face of our country in the fields of science and technology."

🟠 *Iran Expo creates a good opportunity for national and international interactions*

The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya continued: "Considering the presence of traders and businessmen from different countries, this exhibition obviously creates a good opportunity for national and international interactions."

🟠 *The Expo event must have a fixed date in the calendar of foreign traders*

He also emphasized that Iran Expo event must have a fixed date in the calendar of foreign traders. In this way, better outcomes from the exhibition could be seen.

🟠 *Holding regular events every year will have great results*

Dr. Barmaki emphasized: "The world economy is going in a direction where it is not possible to get the desired result by holding temporary events; Because the first time this event is held, many people may not know about it or hesitate to visit it. However, if this event is held regularly, it can undoubtedly attract its audience and achieve its mission in the next rounds."

🟠 *It is necessary to carry out needful advertisements for the exhibition in
the target countries*

The ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kenya also suggested: "it is necessary to carry out needful advertisements in the target countries and this requires expenses. As an embassy, we have limited possibilities for advertising. If next time investments are made for advertising, do not doubt that a better result will be obtained and more visitors will be attracted, which will also increase business income."

🟠 *Kenya is considered the most commercial country in East Africa*

"Kenya, as the most commercial country in East Africa, is the gateway to this part of the African continent, and Nairobi, as the capital of this country, is one of the three headquarters of the United Nations. In addition, Mombasa port is the most important entry port to the east of the African continent in this country. In order to increase the level of trade exchanges and increase Iran's exports, all of these are positive factors of Kenya." Dr. Barmaki reminded.


The heartbeat of Iran's economy can be heard 
(Instant news before the Iran Expo exhibition)

These days, the topic of non-oil exports has become popular, and the enthusiasm for holding Iran's Export Capabilities Exhibition (IRANEXPO2023) is increasing day by day. Even though there are 12 days left until the exhibition starts, the headquarters of Iran Expo announces that 95% of the capacity of the exhibition is almost full with 313 booths by large and reputable companies.
Prominent and well-known companies such as Arfa Steel, Iranol Oil, Azad Kish, Pars Bin Qeshm, Tabriz Petrochemical, Rasan, Sabah, Negin Mashhad carpet, Saba Battery, Sepahan Battery, Iran tractor manufacturing, Shirin Asal and many others are participating in this exhibition.
May 07 to 10, 2023 is considered a golden time for domestic exporters that make the heart of the country's economy beat and sell their products in 11 groups directly to foreign merchants;
1)    Food industry, agriculture, livestock and poultry and fisheries 
2)    Industry 
3)    Household appliances 
4)    Textile, leather and clothing industries 
5)    Handwoven carpets, handicrafts and tourism 
6)    Chemical, cellulose and sanitary products 
7)    Medicine, medical equipment, laboratory equipment 
8)    Construction industry and engineering technical services 
9)    Mining group 
10)    Petrochemical group 
11)    Service group
The exhibition organizing headquarters of export capabilities are optimizing and preparing everything at the permanent location of the international exhibition, with the presence of its personnel and all its strength even on holidays.





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